The Electronic Learning Space

The Electronic Learning Space incorporates a wide variety of ICT. It can include computers, laptops, iPads, SmartBoards etc. Using ICT in the classroom can be very beneficial if used effectively. ICT creates opportunities for students learning to be interactive, hands-on and fun.

However, teachers need to be provided with training to know how to effectively incorporate ICT within the classroom. Simply incorporating ICT into a lesson doesn’t make it effective, unless it’s effective use of ICT. Teachers need to know how to source appropriate ICT and what makes ICT effective to use within the classroom.

I believe that the use of ICT can be extremely beneficial for students. I have been at a prac school where ICT was used effectively. Every class had a class set of iPads which could be used at any time during the time if the teacher wanted and from Year 4 upwards each student had their own laptop. This particular school also used ICT to contact parents and students through email, their own twitter and Facebook account and their own school portal which could be accessed at home.

Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice allow students to collaboratively explore and extend their knowledge. They support the classroom-learning network and provide new opportunities for learning to occur. When used and implemented correctly students can gain a wealth of irreplaceable knowledge from outside the classroom confines. It enables students to learn at anytime and any place.

Excursions are part of the communities of practice. They provide students with opportunities to engage in learning, shared experiences and interests. Through collaborative learning and from learning experiences without the limitations of the four walls of the classroom students have the opportunity to further develop and extend their learning.  

Classroom Layout

This is the layout out of a Year 2 Classroom that I experienced last year at a prac. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of the classroom, but the picture below is a floor plan I created for the classroom from memory.  



From the floor plan created you can see that the classroom was quite large and has a lot of storage room and shelves around the walls of the classroom. Storage room and shelves are a vital part of any classroom but especially vital in the early years as learning is very practical and hands on and therefore many resources are required. You can also see that there were large tables formed so students could sit in assigned groups to allow for collaborative learning experiences. 

This room also had two doors and windows that lined two walls which allowed for more natural light to come inside. Creating a bright classroom makes the space feel more inviting and spacious; it also makes the classroom seem more ‘open’.  The below picture retrieved from Google Images effectively displays natural sunlight through its massive windows and openings.



The classroom also had two book stands and a quiet reading area. This learning space was very effective as it provided students with a designed quiet area, it also had soft cushions for the students to relax with. The below picture was retrieved from Google Images as I do not have any pictures of this. I believe this picture depicts an effective learning space as it provides students with a designed quiet reading area for students to explore books and relax and is similar to what I have experiened in my prac. 


What is a Blog?

To me, a blog can be described as a type of website where the author can create and share posts including various texts, photos, quotes and website links on topics of interest. They can then search for other blogs with similar topics of interest and connect with these blogs in various ways; for example, by following them, sharing their posts and by providing feedback through comments. Basically, a blog is a way of connecting and sharing ideas with others. 

What is a Personal Learning Network?

To me, a Personal Learning Network (PLN) is a way for teachers to connect, share and collate what is happening within their classroom and their teaching with other teachers from all around the world. It is a place for teachers to share what is happening in their classroom, activities that have or haven’t worked in their classroom, useful references, websites and resources and any other useful information, tips or tricks. A PLN is a great way for teachers to learn from the global community not just their colleagues.

As a pre-service teacher this blog is going to become my PLN and my way of connecting, sharing and collating with other teachers to source new ideas, resources, activities and much more from around the world from more experienced teachers than myself.